what we offer


We are here to help you and your staff to deliver your statutory requirements for Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) and meet your Ofsted benchmarks. We do this on both a strategic and operational level, working closely with Senior Leaders to develop your Careers Strategy, underpinning this with a varied menu of high quality activities and programmes, including:

Work Experience

GB 2, 3, 5 & 6: Students gain first-hand experience of the workplace and Elevate EBP will manage the placement on your behalf.

Extended Work Experience

GB 2, 3, 5 & 6: Students are offered up to two years quality Work Experience part-time with an employer.

Practice Interviews

GB 3 & 5: Introducing students to the job application process and preparing them for interview with real employer feedback and evaluations.

Meet the Professionals

GB 2, 4 & 5: A meaningful Employer Encounter with professionals from various fields. Can be specifically tailored.

Careers Fairs

GB 2, 3 & 7: Students have
the opportunity to talk to employers, educators and providers in alignment with updated PAL requirements.

Enterprise Events

GB 2, 3, 4 & 5: We provide a number of exciting enterprise events and activities with a variety of different themes. Can include Employer Encounters.

Primary Careers and Enterprise

Imagine My Future: A pilot programme providing Primary students with a number of
careers and enterprise activities.

Children's University

Children’s University is a national, charitable organisation that rewards students for extracurricular learning.
Click here to find out more!

Staff Training

We provide a number of staff training courses such as First Aid, Mini Medics, Fire Safety, Health & Safety etc.
Click here to find out more!


What's happening?

Education News:



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The Education Business Partnership, Sefton House, Bridle Road, Bootle, Liverpool, L30 4XR

0151 330 5758

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